a moving meditation


stress and anxiety leave traces not only in our minds but also in our body fascia. somatic foam rolling is a method of revealing this trace and relieving it. the interospective practice asks that we trust the cues provided by our bodies so we can gain access to the wisdom of our bodymind and enhance our somatic awareness.

in this practice the foam roller acts as an intermediary yoking breath with body to create a moving meditation.

by allowing us to register deeply embedded pain and trauma, the practice can serve as the first step in our emotional as well as physical rehabilitation.

the tutorial


clear at least 6 feet of space around your mat so you can practice in comfort and safety with your eyes closed most of the time. this will allow you to edit surrounding distractions while heightening your other senses. always be aware of your body within the edges of your mat adjusting its position as needed. you can always open your eyes to check your surroundings for added safety.

the method

1. set yourself up to be at ease

dim the lights if possible to reduce visual overstimulation. begin by centering yourself on your mat with your roller tucked under your lower back. cue soothing music if you wish, apply mind-meld if that calms you. close your eyes if comfortable.

2. soften your gaze

release residual tension in the orbital area by softening your gaze. begin to lean into the awareness of your body in space using only your sense of touch. begin to lengthen your breath. release jaw if clenching.

3. begin to scan your body

rather than "fix" a known injury or area of tightness, intuitive foam rolling is a form of knowledge gathering. it seeks to explore the state of the body as it exists in the moment in a slow and thoughtful way. to begin roll slowly along the posterior length of your body. roll upwards to gauge tightness in your back, shoulders and arms, roll downwards to attend to your glutes, hamstrings and calves. spend as long as you need to bring awareness and comfort to your body. let your thoughts wander and your mind make new synaptic connections while you foam roll. this moving meditation is intended to eases both your body and your mind.

4. register tightness and fatigue

begin to notice where most of your body's pain resides. prioritize those areas while you roll but give attention to other parts of the body so you can gain a complete picture. ask yourself where this pain may be coming from? name it. is it stress? is it trauma, is it poor posture and inactivity? sometimes naming the source of your pain is all that is needed to make sense of it and move towards recovery.

5. roll to release fascia and muscle

taking care to avoid bone and keeping to soft tissue roll around knots and tights spots now. also roll along the length of muscles to loosen fascia. take your time ... notice your breath slow down and find yourself feeling calmer.

6. transition to the next area to work upon

as the tension in one body part begins to ebb release your focus and move on to the next that needs your attention. keep breathing and moving slowly and consistently in a fluid motion. if your mind wanders as you roll, bring it back to the sound of your breath or the sensations on you skin and body to refocus.

7. realign yourself

adjust your position on your mat to ensure safety, sensing the edges of your mat with your eyes closed if possible. open your eyes to center yourself if needed. keep your gaze soft so you can easily re-engage your attention.

8. repeat process with anterior chain of muscles

flip over and repeat the process along the anterior chain of muscles.

9. experience release and rest

allow yourself a physical release by following your body's cues. recalibrate your emotional responses by slowing down your breath so you can take mindfulness into the rest of your day. gain confidence in your own wisdom.

10. practice non-doing

after the practice rest in savasana to absorb all the benefits of your practice. find a guide to savasana and other introspective practices here.

take somatic awareness into your day


as you begin to be more in tune with the cues of your body through foam rolling notice where stress takes residence in your body fascia and work to release it before it becomes intrenched. use information gathered from foam rolling and other embodied practices to minimize distracting and distressing stimuli and consciously recalibrate your day.
