reset your circadian rhythm


circadian rhythm refers to the natural fluctuations of our sleep and wakefulness cycles bound deeply with our wellbeing and performance.

each cycle consists of approximately 24 hours, marked by periods of heightened alertness and strength followed by a downshift to periods of relative inactivity, rest and recovery.

technological encroachment and lengthy screen times in particular, can disrupt this cycle. taking steps to align our body's circadian rhythm to its natural rhythms during the day, can set us up for deep sleep and recovery at night. it can also lead to better outcomes of our practice and work the following day.

sleep inducers

sun in the morning

exposure to direct sunlight in the morning can help reset our circadian rhythms so our sleep cycle aligns for recovery at night and optimal performance the next day. aim for 5-10 minutes in the first hour of waking up. practice the morning mindfulness flow below or go for a slow purposeful morning meditation walk.

yoga movement and mindfulness to your day

intersperse your days with periods of effort reflexivity and rest so you feel ready for sleep. somatic foam rolling can also help your drop into awareness and activate your parasympathetic systems can also be extremely helpful. your co-ordination is best between the hours of 12 noon and 2 pm so that may be the time to try a difficult balancing pose.

mark transitions from work to rest clearly

one of the biggest hurdles to restful sleep is inability to transition to a calmer state early on in the day. create a time after which you put away technology and switch your mode of being. you could turn to a cup of green tea or a book to make this transition.

turn down the thermostat in the evening

cool night time temperatures allow the body to rest and recharge optimally.

put away technology unless sleep related

edit distraction by consciously taking your tech out of the sleep equation unless it is a soothing music or meditation app. see suggestions here.

use essential oils to usher in sleep

essential oils are powerful mood modulators when used judiciously for emotional recalibration. learn how to edit unnecessary stimuli so you can rest here.

add a short night time yoga flow to your routine

see below for a simple practice.

keep your practice bolster and grounding pillow close by

the malleability and weight of your buckwheat hull filled bolster and pillow can help you settle down. we recommend placing them in pillowcases before using them in bed.

turn off lights including ambient lighting

darkness signifies to our brain that we are ready for rest. if unable to sleep in complete darkness an eye mask is a great option.

breathe deeply to release stress

an equalizing breath such as 5-5 or an extended 4-7-8 pattern can tamp down the stress response and help us settle into sleep. see breathing practices for calm here.

initiate rest


activate your parasympathetic system with a series of asanas that ease you into sleep.

restful yoga sequence

legs up the wall

begin on your back as close to the wall as possible using your practice bolster as support if needed. hinge your hips so your legs rise up the wall. stay there for 5 minutes to release lactic acid build up in your lower body so you can rest.

child's pose in bed

start by sitting on your knees on the middle of your bed and then fold over. with your hands along your side towards your feet and ankle stretch your lower back as you breathe slowly.

thread the needle in bed

begin on your knees with feet flat or toes tucked under. fold over and turn your body towards one side while reaching the same side arm across as far as you can into a deep spinal twist to release tension and breathe. return to starting position and repeat 5 times. change sides and repeat on the other side always breathing in as

calming breath practice

lay down preferably on your back. this allows your lungs and diaphragm to expand fully. practice cyclic sighing or 5-5 equal breath. read our breathing practice tutorial here.
